
Friday, August 12, 2011

Playing with My Schedule

The upcoming school year has caused me a bit of concern over my ability to go back to working as a freelance writer full time. The Head Start program (provided she stays in it) is Monday through Friday from as early as 7:45 and as late as 8 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon. I'm hoping that I can rearrange her therapy schedule not to have to pull her out early but it's probably not going to work that way. So far we have therapy five days a week all before the 2:30 pick up time. Which means if I have to get her out early but first I need permission from someone that I can't figure out who is yet.

I was originally intending on spending the time she was in school working until time to pick her up. If she goes back to PHP that's only four half days and I'd save money on gas because they provide a school bus to transport her. At least they did in the past. That would give me four days of guaranteed working time unless Theresa gets sick. I'd be able to leave her Friday speech spot alone. I'm a bit confused because they told me once before the after school spots were for kids that could not get out of school at all and I know for a fact that a child Theresa's age has a 3p.m. speech spot.

I'm thinking of asking about reducing her speech appointments to once or twice a week so that I'm not pulling her out of school any but there would still be a problem with ABA therapy scheduling. I'm hoping that the new facility has a wifi connection that I can use to work but I won't know that until next week.  I'm also thinking about going back to the "traditional" workforce so that I can write on the side to earn additional funds. The problem is that I have no idea how to write out an application after being at home for so long working for myself.

Well, so far I figure I have to get up at 5a.m. to be awake and claim assignments before taking Theresa to school. I know I can work while she's at school but I'm not sure about during therapy. I can work a couple hours after she goes to bed. I still need to find time to figure out where we can afford to move.

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