
Monday, April 11, 2011

Increase in Expenses

Expenses are going up suddenly. Supplement costs are going up by at least double each month. My complete powder is $60 to have it delivered to the house, not including the cost of the ice pack to have it shipped to me. Shipping is free. I'm checking the prices of the rest of the supplements but the fish oil and complete powder together come to at least $120 per month that I don't have.

So at the moment I'm planning a grocery trip around coupons from Swagbucks. I think I'll print as many as I can of the ones that have longer expiration dates so that I don't have to hunt them down twice. So far if my trip goes as planned I'll earn an additional 80 swagbucks the next time we go to the store. So far all I have are cheese, mustard, snacks and cereal for the baby on the list. $7.60 in savings so far, now for the second store b/c the first doesn't sell frozen veggies and stuff.

I have no idea where the extra money is coming from. I know I have to purchase a battery so I can write on the go, and eventually upgrade or replace my laptop. I plan to take it and have all my files transfered to the new one professionally if I ever manage to get that part done.

OK. I'm off to work. Turns out couponing is a hot topic at the moment so I'm off to see if I can turn out a few articles on it. Hope my memory is good or I'll never get done.

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