
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How much electricity?

OK so the good news is that my light bill isn't due until the 25th of this month and the budget amount of $200 is all that I have to pay. The bad news? The bill itself was for 23 days and actually $229.54 which leaves us with $46.80 credit out of the original $76.34 we'd managed to build toward the actual bill month. The problem is really that at this rate I'll be seeing an increase in the budgeted amount next year. There are times when I wish that the City of Dothan did like other utility companies and adjusted the budget amount up and down during the year to prevent overages and credits. The credits aren't so bad you can end up with a month with a light bill or more. The times you owe it's all due at once and it can be almost double what the budget amount was. That part sucks is awful.

We have a doctor's appointment this morning and therapy this afternoon which puts me going across town twice today. That wouldn't be so bad since my tank is full still if it weren't for the $2.99 gasoline. It cost me $46.90 to fill up from a quarter of a tank when gas was less. If it falls below half I'm screwed. I have no idea what to do since I can't manage to keep money for gas and I need to have enough to last all month long. Come summer the gas will need to be cut again which is going to get rather expensive I do believe.

Helium I have $25.15, I can also request payment and get an extra payday on the 7th! I'm a good mind to do it. I want to order Theresa's pictures from the Pancake Breakfast. I have enough but I'll need some more to replace it. My problem is wondering if I'll make enough to request payment again the 14th to get paid the 15th. I have all day and some of tomorrow to figure it out.

I still want a Kindle but for the time being the Kindle on PC application will have to do. I do need to get a new battery for my laptop so that I can work while Theresa is in therapy. A case for my laptop will help too. I can carry it with me when we go out to therapy. I have a couple days when I actually have time to get some work done. I think I'll work on getting my laptop battery and an external hard drive I've made a decision that requires I have more memory and the ability to work from anywhere that I don't have with my constantly dead battery and need for additional resources on my computer. Well I'll be going for now.

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