
Thursday, September 23, 2010

So Far So Good

Well, so far the new work tactic is working out pretty well. My last client payed the day after I sent the articles to her. I love that she checked them so quickly. This new venture may be badly timed but that's fine too.

My savings accounts are now officially and completely empty. That means I'll be doing a lot of promoting between the times I find to write. I'm kind of use to being broke so it should be fine, cutting corners is my specialty. I actually managed to write two articles yesterday. The first is about the changes and the other is about how I spent my day I don't know why but I felt the need to write about my day and the new changes. I'm rather satisfied with the articles even though neither one are in areas that usually get upfront payments. Articles are articles.

During therapy today I'm going to work on reading the book I started and haven't had much time for. It's a mindless romance that while I'm not really fond of them is relaxing to read. I think I'll review it when I finish. There are tons of things that I want to review and I can money by doing it. The change to no longer taking private clients means I have more time for my work and my family.

It's almost time to make another batch of laundry detergent. I've only got a little bit left in the bucket so I'm going to pour it into a small container and go ahead and make the other batch tonight so I don't run out. The next time I make it I have to go buy part of the supplies but that's OK too. It still works out cheaper than purchasing other detergents. I'm finding the time once again to order samples of things so I can try and review them without spending any money.

I listed all my income sources yesterday and I have a good bit of them. Maybe now I can organize my time so that all of them are taken advantage of during the week instead of being forced to focus on one or two during the month. Who knows when I get rested up I may take on private clients again. I'll just make sure I only take projects that pay well and have long deadlines.

OK off to make a tiny bit of money before we leave for therapy. I may take a few minutes to put my goals down on some index cards so I can post them around my work space. I saw a spiral book of large sized index cards this morning that'll work well for that. The pages tear out so I can post them but it's sturdy enough I can take it with us and write them out while we're gone so I don't feel like I'm missing family time.

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