
Friday, December 30, 2011

Heat Must Have Heat

OK the tantrums of the central unit led to turning the heat off in the middle of an usually cold winter. I'm sure we've had colder but I don't remember when. We would be dressing warmer. I must have jogging pants, they're warmer. Little bit needs more stockings, I have to layer her. She's small and likes to strip, the more clothes I have on her the warmer she will be. The half dozen comforters on her bed along with her little blanket sleepers seem to keep her nice and toasty at night. The only upside to not having the heat on is the lowering of the light bill is sure to follow.

Now to price space heaters and research the new safety features. Not that I would dare leave one on while I was sleeping or laying down for that matter out of fear of falling asleep. There are cats here, cats are curious and well they don't understand not to tip things over. I have also decided that there are too many televisions in this house. My living room has two, one for watching and one for the kiddo to play her video games on (the picture only cooperates for the games) and one in my bedroom. There are two more unplugged sitting in the floor of the spare room, one of those used to be in the little ones room so that she could have a show from her favorite DVD's at bedtime to put her to sleep.

That is just one of several bedtime rituals used to break a previous ritual that then had to be broken. Strangely it was one of the easiest to break. Now I need to go plan tomorrow's attempts at work and research space heaters. I also need to take some measurements. I may be in need of room dividers to keep the heat contained to specific areas that we are actually using.

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