OK so I won't be writing for a certain site that shall remain nameless anytime in the near future after this bunch of B.S. but I will continue to collect my hard earned revenue share. At the moment that would a bit over $9 since I requested payment on the 2nd. Now the payment schedule is going to include the possibility of getting what I've already requested on the 10th in addition to a second payment the 15th. That is if I can managed to get the $25 required by then. Another payment possibility comes at the end of the month. In theory that is fine and good. I shall see just how well my ad revenue does and if those twice a month payments can help at all. What I will not do is give exclusive rights to quality work for pennies. I can find a few minutes a week to rate enough to ensure I have the one measly star to continue passive income.
Associated Content does in fact pay less in ad share but I have received more in upfront payment on a single article. I'm working on an opinionish piece of sorts for them now. Display only but that is my choice. At the moment I have a whole $2.98 there. It's not much but it is a tank of gas for the car. Maybe I should post a few to Bukisa since they only need be approximately 250 words to post. Then there is wikinut that I have made my home for daily ramblings when I can turn what would otherwise be a blog post in an article of sorts.
Sidetick- the 7th of November I requested a payment of $25 which I got the $15th of November. Today is the 5th of December and I've managed to earn $19.19 since that time. I only need another $5.81 to request another $25 which will cover one of the cell phones with $3.20 left over. At the rate of 50 cents a day for doing the basic requirement that takes all of a couple minutes that'll take me twelve days to finish earning the minimum. $15 a month is the guarantee and I believe I can do better than that. I spend a couple moments each morning writing a short blog post that earns me a single tickbuck each time it is viewed. I also take the time every few weeks or so to upload a few odd photos to the site. I also earn by viewing new pages which takes just a few minutes and is what I'd be doing on other social networking sites for free.
I redid the budget today and I figured everything to be $475 a month. That figure did not include my husband of the moments child support or household items. I focus on one thing at a time. From the only reliable income source I have at the moment that would leave $131.60. Now comes the time to add up the rest of the monthly expenses. Those would include the little ones supplements each month.
The good news is that the bottle of vitamin D drops that I paid over $20 back in March and last nine months I can get for $5 a bottle! That's less than $1 a month for that tiny bottle. She gets 3 drops a day which isn't much but the initial cost can be horrible when you're budget is tight. Her magnesium citrate is $6 and last a few months. I have to buy complete powder ($35), fish oil ($63 for 8oz), and zinc ($4) on pretty much a regular monthly basis. That means there is an additional $102 that I have to have in my budget to pay for those. The rest of her supplements only come out every few months so I'll leave those out for now.
The monthly bills and those three supplements total $577.00. $606.60 - $577.00 = $29.60. That
While the figure may look nice to be leftover in a time when more and more people don't have anything left it is merely an illusion. There is still gasoline to get her to appointments and household needs to meet. Therefore I will be focusing on promotions, sites that pay quickly and picking up the occasional private client for a fast payment to make the ends meet. I want to become self sufficient and fall off the grid. I do not care to freeze, have a heat stroke or starve as I work my way toward that goal. On the bright side I have found free books for my kindle app such as the one to the left of this post.
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