I figured up most of my expenses again. I got up to $865 and stopped thinking there isn't any way that could be right. Well, I once I stopped to look I saw why they were so high. Child support is in arrears by $665 currently and one of the bank accounts is over drawn by $403.22 at the moment. That's gonna take a couple months to fix.
The light bill is on budget billing and runs $200 a month. So far we've been under budget which is good because the summer means that the bills are going up. The air conditioning doesn't work right. According to the last people to look at it I would be in desperate need of new duct work which I can not afford. I want to have a house built but I can't afford that either. I want it put in the trees so that it has shade. I also want window air and an alternative to the central heat without having to have something sit in the floor for it.
My credit is shot which creates a big problem there though. I have to lower my bills a great deal to do that. I also have to build up my savings account enough to cover the majority of the expense while having something to fall back on in the event of an emergency. There are a dozen expenses that I could cut out if I was the only one in the house. Since I am not it's only my personal expenses that I can reduce and not the costs of the entire house.
Well, this post is getting off track so I'm going to update my rambling blog now since that's what I'm doing.
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