
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Progress Against All Odds

I finished my copy of "How to Write Ebooks for a Living" and began my book. The first attempt vanished into thin air but the second attempt is going nicely and using the online word processor I email myself portions all along. The Table of Contents can be automatically put in when I finish it by simply marking my headings for it!!! I love that feature since my writing is free flowing. There is also a feature that will allow me to do my title page, I'm hoping the title comes to me by the end of the book.

And my kid is adding material for the next one as I type this. First things first, one book at a time. This is working out nicely. My phone is not getting answered to prevent having to put money on it until I am ready. There is enough time on it for an emergency. I can access my book from anywhere since it is online!! I like that, in the meantime I am writing articles to get a payday until it is done. I am going to have to market it myself but that's fine. I plan to write this one and have it published I hope by the end of the year but the end of January definitely. I plan to write at least six in 2011. I have ideas in my head so they will be put on paper. I think a couple children's books will fit too.

Well, I have to get back to work. I'm checking the local sales papers online. I figured out that I do better at the store alone with the kid than with anyone else. I tried taking a friend to the store but it was like she was purposely attempting to blow my budget for the month. She was hyper and wouldn't shut up.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lots of Reading but Not Much Writing

Well, today I finished reading my copy of "Look Me In The Eye" and bought 'How to Write Ebooks for a Living. I even began to read the last one, and noticed that beside it in my Kindle for PC app was "Wife No. 19 that I started months ago and never finished reading. So I am going to alternate the two until I get both of them read. I am a long way into Wife No. 19 so I should set aside some time to finish it. I have other books to read some in ebook and others in traditional form. I had a reason for having all of them and I will finish them.

The books I was reading were for article ideas and my own information but those articles take longer to write since the only time I have to read is in therapy. At least for traditional books, other than that I'll be attempting to write other articles to earn my living. I seem to have a break although unplanned from private clients at the moment so I am taking advantage of it to write things that I want to write. I am not in a hurry this week. I am simply gathering strength to get through the holidays.

This week will be a short one as far as school and appointments go so I am going to be reading and working as much as I can in order to do what I planned to do this year next year. Oh well, it's time to get back to work. I'll be back later to tell you how well my plans for the new year are going. Hopefully they'll go better than this last year did.

Anyway, I'll be back later.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Long Weekend Ahead

I was up until almost 1a.m. and as a result didn't wake up until after 9a.m. this morning. That's 7 hours of sleep, and I still feel as if my eyes are not going to stay open. Of course I've only been up an hour and a half so far. The coffee is getting cold faster than I can drink it. I got some things done yesterday that were rather productive.

I wrote a couple of things yesterday. I even published one. I am now making it a point to once again include links in my writing to items that I have already published. I need to increase traffic and once again gain exposure. That means I am editing some older things to bring them up to where they should be. I would be once again going back to private clients.

I would need some things that I can not afford in my typical budget which makes obtaining them other ways vital. By other ways I mean by increasing my work load to the point that not only are my expenses covered by my savings account is reopened. I have a book in mind, and if I can find the file I can get back to it.

I have to have $50 to reopen it and I am determined not to sell anything off to do so. I am also determined to turn this house into a one television household. That way I can still watch the shows I want to watch without taking time out of working to do it. Eventually I'd like to get rid of the television again all together however. I'm not sure why but I would. Days seem longer without one, or maybe not watching television just makes me more productive. Not that I watch much I usually listen to music on my computer while I work.

Well, speaking of work I might as well get back to it. I intend to be up just as late tonight and hopefully more productive than I was last night when it came to working.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Minimum Work Ability

I have managed to get some work done and submitted during the last few days. I'm not sure how much more I can get done but that little bit makes me feel better than I did. I am working on some articles in my word processor only to discover that I prefer the use of Google Docs to write articles in which gives me the advantage of online storage. The one problem is that I can not check my grammar meaning I have to be extra careful. I guess that would help improve my writing if I am always responsible for my own editing as word processors do not catch everything.

I know I am going to have to purchase more internet to get by until the first of the month. I have a feeling that I will need to spring for unlimited access prior to the first of the month. I wish I had been able to afford it when I got my new device. I do enjoy once again not being tied to my desk however. I will get back to unlimited access I have to I have used up half my data allotment in the last three days. The end of the month is a couple weeks away. At least I can write offline until I get it back if I run out of data. I can resist the urge to over draw my bank account just to have Internet access and do without it as long as I have some way to write.

Well, I'm running short on time so I"m going to go get back to the work I'd planned to do online before I call it a day.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dim at the Moment

My financial future would look rather dim at the moment considering I do not have a computer at home which means my ability to work is limited. I have a well that is in need of repair or replacement not sure yet. It has been touchy for months and now it is either coming apart or it pumps up sand. We should know by this afternoon although at the moment it is not pumping. My main goal at the moment is to have running water and get back to work on a regular basis. This two hours here and there at the local library is not cutting it in the least. By the time I get what I need my session is over. I am typing as fast as I can and it is not fast enough.

My television set went to the pawnshop this week so my four year old could go to the local Peanut Festival on special citizens day and be a typical kid for a few hours. It is the little things like that which bother me the most. She should not be deprived because we are broke. I need to get back to work it has been two weeks since my computer tore up and no one seems to understand that without it I am unemployed and may not make it through the month.

I did set some goals however. I need $50 to reopen my savings account and I also need my t.v. out of hawk. The opening of the savings account comes with goals to put at least six months of expenses and the amount required to buy a replacement for my computer in the event this happens in the future. That way I simply go replace my main source of income and do not have to ask anyone for anything. I have decided to work on some books in my spare time provided I ever get spare time again. Well, I have to check and make sure I am still in the market to earn a living so I have to be going.