
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Savings Account Reopened.....

and already having to make withdrawals. I opened the account with the minimum and turned around to withdraw all but $10 so it stays open. I had to have the account but I also had to have money to make it through the rest of the month so that's how it had to work.

I've managed to put some change aside and it seems that for a while change will be all that I manage to put aside. I managed to get Theresa's OT changed so that it's at the same place as the rest of her therapy so that saves a little bit of gas each week. The problem? There are no spots open close to the appointments we already have so we have a bit of a longer stay in town than I would like at times. I can handle that, but the waits that are more than an hour or two we drive across the street and go walk around stores which opens the door to temptation. I did good today, the only thing that I bought was lunch stuff at the grocery store.

We looked around the clothing store, I realized that it's time to start saving some money for next years school clothes and I need shoes. Provided I can ever find the time I'll have a few vegetables planted. I just need Theresa to cooperate to help take care of them. I think watering them could be good for her. Picking vegetables would be good for her too, sort of if she follows directions. That would cut down on my grocery bill, I just don't want to try to dig up the yard because I don't have a tiller. I'm still waiting for fruit trees I may just scrap up some money and buy one or two this year. I like fruit and I need shade. I just won't put them where the house'll be if we ever come up with the money to replace this place.

I have a plan to get it but I don't know how I'm going to. I do have some repairs to do here before we can take care of that plan though. I managed to get enough work done so far that I'm satisfied with my next payout but it's time to begin thinking about the summer and the fact that we'll be missing one income. I have to make up the difference and I haven't been motivated since school started. I still need $100 to cover a test for Theresa. I've almost figured it out.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Reopened Savings Account

Well, I finally managed to reopen my savings account. The problem now is that I really need the money that is in it. I am trying to earn enough right now to make up for that $50 initial deposit that I can not access until the paper work gets here and gets send back in to them. I have to stop and buy pull-ups and baby wipes tomorrow afternoon because Theresa uses pull-ups at night. She isn't to the point she sleeps in a regular bed yet so getting up to take herself potty in the middle of the night is kind of out of the question.

I have to buy multivitamins for her too. As soon as I get the money I'll be buying her the chew-ables. I have $15 in gift cards at Amazon, now if I can just get enough to get the washable overnight underwear for Theresa I'll save a small fortune on pull-ups. I need to buy at least three pair since from the reviews I've read that while they work well they take a long time to dry. I'm hoping that I can hang them on the line to dry and cut down on the drying time. 

I'll be glad when I can keep the laundry under control so I can wash it by hand. I'm thinking of getting another plunger specifically for the laundry so I can wash it in a bucket and cut down the electricity use in the house. It'll use less water too. I just have to buy a ringer to go with it, then hang them outside unless I can get enough water out to hang them in the house.

Ok that's about it for now so I'll be going.